Our purpose built hydrotherapy pool is now open! Hydrotherapy can be of benefit in many ways. For orthopaedic injury, neurological issues, athletes and our older companions.
Small Animal
We can help....
Water has several very useful properties which we utilise in hydrotherapy to promote an improvement in movement and fitness.
The “weightless” effect (buoyancy), of the water supports the body weight, reducing the pressure on sore and stiff joints and encourages a greater movement of the limbs, without the jarring effect that occurs on land.
The force of the water pressing on the body (hydrostatic pressure), reduces pain and encourages the heart and lungs to work harder, thus improving stamina. It also helps to reduce fluid swelling which may occur in the limbs.
Water also helps to support weak patients and they may find it easier to stand or move in water than on land.
Hydrotherapy can have the following biological affects on the body;
Build muscle and increase stamina
Reduce pain
Improve joint range of motion
Reduce Inflammation
Hydrotherapy can be beneficial for many conditions such as:
Hip and elbow dysplasia
Preparing for surgery
Recovering from surgery
Cruciate ligament injury
Intervertebral disc disease
Degenerative myelopathy
Muscle strains or tears
Ligament sprains
Obesity and weight control (if used alongside a weight management programme)
Hydrotherapy can also be used to improve and maintain fitness levels.
Our Pool.....
We have a purpose built 4m x 2m hydrotherapy pool. The water temperature is maintained at 28 - 30 degrees centigrade. This is very important as the warm temperature encourages blood flow to the muscles and allows the soft tissues (muscle, tendons and ligaments) to relax and stretch more easily. Access is via an easy to negotiate ramp.
We use bromine to kill bacteria and viruses and we also have an ultraviolet light to ensure that the we maintain the highest water quality. Water chemical levels and quality are tested three times a day.
The pool has a counter current swim jet which can be used in the later stages of rehabilitation or for stamina training.
Your therapy session....
During your first session your hydrotherapist will carry out an assessment, this will include
A health check
Taking a history of your dogs condition
Performing gait analysis
There will be time for your pet to have a look around and become accustomed to the environment, which is particularly important for the more nervous clients.
Prior to the swimming session your pet will be showered. This helps to warm the muscles and tendons in preparation for exercise, similar to a warm up before a gym session. The shower also removes any surface dirt and helps to keep our pool clean and the water crystal clear.
All swimmers must use either a buoyancy aid or harness. Once fitted with the appropriate size they will be helped into the pool where the therapy session will begin. A trained hydrotherapist will be in the pool the whole time with your pet and will encourage them to move effectively in the water. Initially swim sessions will be short with frequent rest breaks. Over the progressing sessions the swim time will increase as stamina improves. Please remember that exercise in the water can be 30% harder than on land, so we need to ensure that your pet's stamina is built up slowly over a period of time. As strength increases we can introduce the swim jet for them to swim against, which makes them work even harder!
After the swim it's back to the shower. This will remove any excess pool water from the coat, just like a public swimming pool we need to use chemicals to sanitise the water and these need to be rinsed off. We finish off with either an invigorating blast of warm air or for the more nervous a good rub with a soft towel.
We recommend bringing a coat or towel to wrap them up in on the way home as it is important that they do not get cold.
Important Information
Please do not feed for 3 hours before your swim time and ensure that they have had time to wee and poo before the session.
Please see here for full terms and conditions
We are unable to perform physiotherapy or hydrotherapy on any animal without veterinary approval, but don’t worry we can obtain it on your behalf. All we need is the name and contact details of your veterinary surgeon.
Please note that our physiotherapist is not qualified to diagnose and we aim to work in conjunction with your vet, so if you think your animal has an injury you must seek medical advice first.